Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Ganozhi Soap

  Ganozhi soap is an excellent and unique product of DXN.  It is a soap which is suitable for all age group of people from all walks of life due to its ingredients and benefits.

(A)      Ingredients:

  • Ganoderma Extract
  • Food grade palm oil, rich in vitamin E.
  • Natural perfume
  • No artificial colour and harmful chemicals used.

(B)       Uses and Benefits:

  • Ganozhi Soap should be used daily/regularly to get best result.
  • Ganozhi washes the dirt and refreshes the skin without damaging body natural oils.
  • It speeds up wound healing and scat tissue recovery besides alleviating the symptoms of skin disorders.
  • Makes dry skin to retain more moisture to deduce the occurrence of itchiness and flaking off the dry skin.  Reduces the severity of eczema and dry patches.
  • Excellent natural facial cleanser regardless of age and gender.
  • Having excellent deodorizing effect which can make you feel fresh and confident all day long.
  • It can be used to clean wounds, cuts and bruises before applying antiseptic.
  • It can also alleviate the symptoms of skin diseases, allergic, reactions, fungal infections and acne.
  • Ganozhi make the skin radiant, supple and smooth while relaxing our nerves.
  • Balances the oil level in the skin hence suitable for both oily and dry skin. 
  • Enhances natural beauty.

(C)      Conclusion:

Standard Soaps, which are available in the market, main ingredients are ordinary oil, harmful chemicals, artificial colour and perfume with soda powder.  Because, the manufacturers face a lot of competition hence forced to use low quality materials.  Instead of giving importance to quality give more importance for making, perfume, color and attractive advertisement to attract users.  Luxury soaps like Dove are costly and beautify our skin chemically.  Medicinal effects are absent in these soaps.  But Ganozhi soap has a lot of medicinal effects due to presence of Ganoderma Extract.  The soap is economical if the benefits are taken to consideration.  Therefore Ganozhi should be used regularly to get these unique benefits naturally.  BEAUTY IS SKIN DEEP AND HEALTH IS CELLDEEP.

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